Welcome Centre: The Atrium

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The Atrium was fully completed in June 2010.  The Atrium will provide an indoor link between the Welcome Hall (completed in 2007) and the older Fellowship Hall at the rear of our Church site.  This is another exciting phase in the life of our fellowship, brought about by the generosity of a significant donation from a Church member and by grants from charitable trusts.  We thank God for His provision of enabling this generosity, which has made this new phase in our Church life possible - especially so, as we could never have expected to be able to construct the Atrium so soon after the completion of the Welcome Hall (Phase 1 of the project).  Praise Him!  We now are starting the second part of the Atrium & Showers Block project, which is the refurbishment of an old corridor and a lounge and toilets into new Ladies and Gents Showers facilities together with a Shower 'Wet' room for the disabled.

The Welcome Centre's new Atrium was dedicated by the fellowship on
Easter Sunday morning and was formally opened with a Thanksgiving Service on Saturday 18th September

3rd July 2010

The Atrium has carpet
and is fully furnished - Praise Him for his provision that has enabled us to
complete this phase of the Welcome Centre Project!

4th April

Following an early 8am
'Son Rise' Service, Easter Breakfast and Morning Worship the fellowship is led in a Service of Dedication by the Rev Sheila Martin, EBA Regional Minister.

Unaware of the Dedication due to take place, an unsuspecting Sheila and her husband came to worship at PABC on a weekend off, only to find herself called to perform this happy duty!

Early March

Just after handover, the Atrium has put the heart into centre of the Welcome Centre

10th February

The roof-lights are almost  complete


The former external church wall is rendered (left) and the smaller of the two large
roof-lights is installed.


The main entrance is installed (left) and the Edinburgh Suite now has a door & window frame


The servery wall is built (left) and the view through the atrium [facing Old Road] begins to become apparent (right)

22nd December

Floor insulation is laid, rooflights are temporarily covered to provide waterproofing & the servery begins to take shape

19th December

Frameworks for the Atrium rooflights are installed

16th December

Bricks are being set around the new Edinburgh Suite window (left) and all the glulam ceiling beams are in place ready to take the rooflights (right)

Atrium @ 16th December 1 Atrium @ 16th December 2

4th December

The concrete floor is poured and dries. Holes at the top of windows [right] are ready for installation of beams and girders. Surveyor & Site Manager keep a check on progress

27th November

The ground is dug out and the waterproof lining
and ground reinforcements
are added

20th November

Slabs have been lifted and marking out has taken place. Old toilet windows are now bricked up.


25th October

Dedication of the site of the new Atrium took place after Sunday morning worship.

Atrium Site Dedication 25.10.09 Atrium Site Dedication 25.10.09

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Copyright © 2005-8. Pier Avenue Baptist Church. All rights reserved.
pabc@fsmail.net           Last updated: 21 September 2010.